October, 2012

October, 2012
October 2012

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Righting a wrong......AGAIN

I should have seen this coming.  I was very proud of my slideshow of Ashley because I can be technologically challenged at times.  I was excited to show it to the rest of the family.  They watched it giggling and reminiscing through it and then they all went on their way.  Except for Anna.  She sort of lingered.  I thought she was just hanging out, but she had something on her mind.

"Mom, do you love Ashley more than us?"  

"What?  Of course not!"

"Well, how come you made her a slideshow but you didn't make us one?"

Now normally I don't fall for the you didn't do it for me kind of stuff that is fairly normal when you have more than one child.  In fact just recently Brooke was dramatically explaining to me how I don't fuss at Anna and Ben as much as her and I actually said, "Well, today I like them more.  Maybe tomorrow I will like you the best."  She stomped off just as dramatically.  

Asking me if I love one more than another though, well, that just got to me.  That just isn't possible.  So to make sure everyone feels the love I decided to do another slideshow. 

That will be it for my slideshow making.  This second go around was so frustrating Jason had to make me get up from the computer and go to bed last night around 12:30.  When I finished this one Anna actually asked me if I was going to do one for each of them by themselves.  I said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT.  I love you.....but not that much!"  She responded by saying "Yeah, right.  You do to."  I am glad she knows it now.

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